Saturday, 6 August 2011

Got a second call but didn't go ahead.

Saturday 6th August 201

We got a second call today at 11.22 am, ten days since the first, The Transplant co- ordinator told us that the liver is initially for someone else, but they may be to poorly for the op, but to get to the hospital in the next hour so they can prep Paul, But Dr's are still going to decide if the other patient  is going to be well enough to receive the transplant. We were both stunned, but started to get ready and informed our family.
I felt really numb but I had to be strong for Paul and I was calm and collective. Paul was still in shock but was ready. Just as we were setting off, Paul's  mobile started to ring, it was the hospital, My heart was in my mouth, I could tell by the reaction on Paul's face that it wasn't going to go ahead. The other patient was going to have the transplant. I had mixed feelings because they rung us at 11.22am and then 11 42am to say it wasn't going to happen, the emotions that we both were going through are hard to describe. We both burst into tears, its one hell of a rocky road. We both are thinking of the other patient and their family, we're not angry with anyone, just frustrated with PSC and the two knock backs. Paul and I are strong (stronger than we think), we will just get on with our lives and enjoy every second together until we receive another call.

1 comment:

  1. had a lovely day with u all on sunday and u are a lovely happy strong couple , am sure that call will come soon and be the 1 u are awaiting 2 go ahead with the op good luck when it does xxxxx
