Fourth Transplant Call .22nd October 2011
We got the fourth call at 11. 32pm, I was getting ready to go to bed, Paul's mobile phone rang, we both looked at each other, we both knew it was the transplant Team, They asked us to get to the hospital for 1.30am. We both were very calm, I got our bags from upstairs, telephoned the kids, family and friends. I think we both were and still are in shock. We arrived at the hospital and were greeted by a nurse. we got our own private cubicle,Paul got his blood sugar, blood pressure and had bloods done. He also had an ERCG. We will know for sure if the transplant goes ahead at 6.30, if everything goes to plan Paul will go down to theatre at 8.30. My thoughts are with the donors family.
We waited for 12 hours until we were told that it was definitely going ahead. The twelve hours were the longest hours ever ,can't explain the emotions, at one point I just wanted to take him home, but deep down you do want it to go ahead, its just human nature to feel apprehensive. Suddenly the theatre trolly appears from know where. The walk down alongside Paul was such an emotional rollcoaster, but it seemed that I was walking for hours down to theatre. My brother and I just broke down, Its hard not to. we said our goodbyes, That was one of the hardest goodbyes ever. But what kept me going was that when I see my gorgeous Skippy again, he will be free of the dreaded PSC!!!!!!!!!!!
so happy that u finally got the transplant xxxx