Friday, 28 October 2011

Paul finally gets a liver transplant

Paul got a liver transplant on Sunday 23rd October 2011, It was very emotional for us both. Before I write anymore I would like to say that I will always be in debt to the donors family. Their loved one has given Paul the best gift ever, the gift of life. My thoughts and prayers will be with them forever.
Paul was in theatre for just under5 hrs. It was a huge relief when the consultant rang to say that everything went smoothly. Paul was in ICU for 24hrs. what fantastic people they are each and everyone deserve a medal, Especially  Raz and Dean who were Paul's nurse's, they cared and looked after Paul with the utmost respect and clarity. He was then moved to HDU where again he met another angel Elaine. she was so supportive and gave Paul alot of confidence. God bless them all.

Tuesday 25th October
Paul transfered to the Liver unit, the staff on this ward are fantastic they work non stop and still have time to talk and make you feel welcome. Paul had to start his Immuno suppressant Tablets today, he also has painkillers to take as well and still has the epidural. one of his painkillers gave him terrible hallucinations and dreams, The doctors said they would give him a different pain killer. the physios have been around today, they encourage you to do different breathing exercises to prevent you getting any chest infections and gentle walks.

Wednesday 26th October
Paul isn't having a good day,very emotional , hes in alot of pain, and he is feeling very down which is bloody understandable.Hes just been through a big major operation and is on alot of different drugs. but we will take each day as it comes,  tomorrows another day. We also became grandparents today, what a week first Paul gets a new liver, Man city thrash Man u (6-1) and then our beautiful Grandson Hayden Paul arrives.

Thursday 27th October
Paul's had a really good day today, his new painkillers have kept him pain free, he was in good spirits. Managed to eat a few spoonfuls of potato Ash I made for him. He mananged to take a few steps to the corridor, hes very tired but is finding it hard to sleep.

Friday 28th October
Paul felt quiet sick this morning, he was given some anti sickness tablets  this seemed to do the trick. he had a lovely visit from Bill and Jen from Scarborough, Paul met Bill whilst they were patients on the liver unit. Bill has been an inspiration he has gone through two transplants, and is now leading a normal life. Paul has had his catheter, feeding tube and central line removed to day and even managed a tuna and cheese melt sandwich. The only way is onwards. Doctors are very happy with his progress.

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